About Hayley



Massage Therapy,

Herbal and Nutritional Consulting

Hayley Simon MAOM, L.Ac.

Hayley attended Healing Hands School of Holistic Health in 2013, graduating with a Holistic Health Practitioner certificate to become a licensed massage therapist with the California Massage Therapy Council. She focused on techniques including Myofascial Meridian Release, Sports Massage, PNF Stretching, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, and Western Herbal Medicine. She then continued her education at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine graduating with a Master’s of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in 2019, receiving a Diplomat of Acupuncture from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

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Hayley comes from sunny southern California where she spent most of her younger years playing competitive water sports, swimming in the ocean, and making art. Being a highly active and creative person, she naturally gravitated toward an education focusing on body awareness and physiology. Informing her practice of medicine is a history of practicing and teaching yoga and meditation. Though she continues to draw from this experience, Hayley sought a way to further help those struggling with acute and chronic pain and maintain optimal health. With massage therapy she gained a fundamental knowledge of anatomy and physiology while acupuncture and herbal medicine opened the door to treating the whole person.


An avid herbalist and outdoor enthusiast, Hayley can be found hiking, wildcrafting, and rock climbing in Oregon’s lush forests and high deserts. She exhibits a deep respect and caring for her patients, invests in the progress of their healing, and upholds the highest standards of evidence-based medicine. 


About Emma - Interim Provider


Emma Ellsworth MAOM, L.Ac.

Emma Ellsworth grew up on the east coast outside of Washington DC. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Communications from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. In 2015, she moved across the country from Maine to Oregon to earn her Master’s in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (MAOM) from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. Upon graduating she joined the Acupuncture Relief Project in Nepal for a two month acupuncture intensive. In 2022 and 2023 she was recognized as a Top Acupuncturist by Portland Monthly magazine.

Emma sees each patient as unique and therefore disease progression as a unique process. She enjoys investigating each patient’s puzzle and figuring out how to put the pieces back together.

Core to Emma’s treatments are a focus on patient/practitioner collaboration, patient education and development of a complete package of care.  Patients walk away from a treatment with an understanding of expectations and treatment plan. She brings her experiences of living in all corners of the country to the treatment room as an openness, strong listening skills, and a desire to understand the individual human experience.  

Outside of the clinic, Emma is a skilled cook and loves to feed family and friends. She relishes days at the beach, Bikram yoga, Brazilian jiu jitsu, traveling the world, becoming a better gardener as well as running and dancing as much as possible.

Call or email for a free 20 minute consultation, today.